Micropoint Reform
Design Support
Creative Director: Beth Peña
Art Director: Stephanie Stanley
Design: Nabila Juma
Producer: Margaret Colom
Photographer: Mari Juliano
Objective: Develop a campaign that showcases the reformulated Mighty Patch for Blemishes while also introducing the new, and larger Mighty Patch for Blemishes XL.
Approach: Explored design elements that highlight the products' key benefits while complementing the photography. Utilized geometric shapes to visually represent size differences among the patches. Integrated gradients and opacity to evoke the dissolving effect of the micropoints.
Impact: Micropoint Reform launched in February 2023, yielding the following results
- Launch Email 1: Open rate of 34.5% and Click rate of 0.6%
- DTC: Seeing a boost due to activity, +28% increase in avg daily units MoM